Smoothie of the Day: Blondie

Yeah, might be a strange name, still it immediately came to mind when I saw the result of this mix, which looks so harmless for all the flavour it contains.

Here's what's in it (2 glasses)

  • ½ banana
  • 1 yellow kiwi
  • ½ fennel
  • ¼ gaia melon
  • 1 cm of ginger
  • 250 ml water/icecubes

Lovely colour...and the surprise is the peppery note. Absolutely great taste.

For the curious among you: Double anti-inflammatory through kiwi and ginger. The latter is superb for the upcoming colder days when you feel a cold coming up: Take some fresh ginger, cut it into pieces and pour hot water over it, add a tad of honey and sip over the day. Perfect for the throat (also ant-bacterial), the voice and your whole system.

TIP: don't peel the ginger, most of the great stuff sits right underneath the skin. If you don't like the brown outer side, scrub it slightly off with a knife, that'll do the job and you keep the greatness of the root.

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