Smoothie of the Day: Berrylicous

I love colourful food - after all we are visual beings, right? This smoothie does not only have an incredible colour, but tastes just DELICIOUS. One of my few recipes without any veggies.

For the advanced food lover: This smoothie is full of great properties: Blueberries are on the top of the list when it comes to do something good for your brain! According to studies they can even support our memory when eaten regularly and help prevent destruction in the brain.

Strawberries are one of the fruit with the most ant-oxidants. Translated that means, that stuff keeps us young (as these little wonder things protect our cells).

That's pretty cool. And a perfect reason to eat more of them.

Here's how Berrylicous works:

  • ½ (actual) cup of raspberries frozen or fresh
  • 7-8 big strawberries
  • ½ mango
  • 3 stems of mint
  • Some lime juice (like half a can just peel it and throw it all in as well - is just a bit more intense

Very light, beautiful red colour, berries at their best!


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